Tag Archives: Photography

F That!!





Have you ever been in a moment where you Stop, and with the information you have, respond with one extreme or the other?

OF COURSE You have!!!

You go through the 3F’s!  Freeze. Flight. Fight.

Response time varies with each brain process. Mine is sometimes slow. I probably take a good 2 seconds to figure out if I will F or F.

It was my gf’s bday and we had just come back from a massage where they wrote ‘happy birthday’ in chocolate with a little melting chocolate covered mouse cake and some delightful champagne.

By the time we had got set up with several toasts in and a mini foto shoot at the pool, …Life was good!


And the rest is story.

Looking at the 3Fs, I consider why I respond the way I do.


Is it my commitment? Where my thoughts and emotions are in the moment? Does it have to do with my past experience? Some learned patterns?

What is the reason for responding with a Freeze, Flight or Fight? We all respond.


By wiki definition: a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival.


Lets take a look at it, shall we?

Freeze: no need for explanation

Flight: self- explanatory

Fight: yep!


Okay, so we have outlined what each response does and the conclusion is in the chocolate.


Survival of Self.


Glorious… Fabulous… Extraordinary… Self.




There is something about being on the Ocean, feeling the motion… simply peaceful.









My experience with Lux Life Vacations was extraordinary. Evening sail topped it off! I’ll do it again in a heartbeat! 



The balmy dense air touched my skin through my clothes. Clouds moved in thick light puffs across the dark starred sky, blocking. The night lanterns placed here and there dripped with moisture, heat and dimmed the large glass encasings, which brought a kind of romantic hue to the solitary night.

My gaze… appreciating the pink in the martini glass that rested on the low wide wicker arm, watching the tiny bug circle and circle the clear glass, avoiding the condensation.

Mirroring the hushed light of the late night, my mind deep in thought. The days before… behind.

Under the glimmer of dark, I listened to a group of young men, the table over. It was interesting and not. Almost, I piped in to add to the conversation, and …no. Let me, be.


Hello boys!

“We followed you out here where it’s cooler.”

Yes, it was simply unbearable in there!


As I sat long reclining on the cushion-less chair, my seat sore from the long drive of the day, I listened and relaxed and enjoyed.

The deep male voices and my pink raspberry martini. Soaking in the night, with me.

A date with me. For a blissful first moment of time, I wasn’t missing something. For a blissful moment, my alone became… beautiful.


Discovery in Reality


The little square of paper tore as the Girl held it between her fingers.  She purposefully walked to the center garbage can to be closer, pulled out the tiny swipe of alcohol and began rubbing her fingers with it.

I love your skirt, the Lady had said.

Something had pulled at the Girl. She had seen it in the stranger’s demeanor, her expression. Somehow she knew.

The opening was made. Chitchat. The Girl smiled and the kindness in the Lady’s eyes held hers and she shared her heart.

She shared why she was there. At the gas station. The emotion, the sadness, the overwhelming longing and mystery of discovering Why and When and How and WHY. The Girl, was alone.

The Lady was alone. There was kindness. Content. No, peace.

Do you want to have dinner with me? The Girl asked.

Okay. I’ll follow you. The Lady weighted.

The Girl, not knowing the area, drove here and there searching for a place. All the while, the Lady stayed just behind her.

Thoughts came and went, doubts, scenarios, questions until finally, the Girl found a place in an old hotel that was perfect.

They entered together and kind music carried them to the corner table. The Singer was gentle and sweet and his acoustic guitar soothed the empty bar.

After the Girl unloaded her emotional tirade of self discovery and frustration, the Lady shared her life.

70’s. Alone. 4 sons, 9 grandchildren, top Special Ed teacher in the state. The Lady told stories of her experience as a teacher. Her job was one of the highest drop out jobs, and yet here she was in her 70’s still teaching.

Compassion, tenderness, love. These, she said, were what she gave her students success. The Lady worked with severely emotionally traumatized children and rehabilitated them to be able to attend schools and grow up to have a relatively normal life. How she got through to them was compassion and being able to see to the heart of the child.

She spoke of a tall and very large Boy who had Autism, and wouldn’t do anything. Everyone was afraid of the Boy who, she described as resembling the Pillsbury Dough boy, would scream and throw tantrums and not do anything but stand off to the side, alone.

One day she went over and poked him.

He said, Why did you poke me?

Because I wanted to. She replied.

This went on for days and weeks. It became a game and before long, the Lady and the Boy were dodging each other so much, they were jumping.

Look! We are Dancing! The Lady said.

The Boy with size 16 shoes laughed and began dancing with her.

I’m Dancing! I’m Dancing! I can Dance!! The Boy exclaimed.

After that, the Boy was happy to be at school, be part of the class. That love and compassion shown him, made all the difference.

The Lady impressed on the Girl, No matter what you do in life, make time for compassion and love, for it is the language we all understand.

The Girl and the Lady walked away as friends with a shared understanding of love for others and at the same time, love for themselves.

The Singer, watched the two ladies who knew each other a long time. His voice followed them out as he sang his closing song, California Dreamin’.



for the red that looks grey

At times, in this ever changing mental/heart healing state of mind of mine, I am thrown into the grief of sad aloneness where my stores of literary feeling inspire,… I write. I have thought about why the feelings of joy and boundless energy keep me away from my mac, the ache and pain of the dying burrying heart bring me back to it.

Beating Grey

There is rhyme and reason to it all, I just don’t get it yet. What I do understand is that my states of mind are my choice and I like it. This sad loneliness of the dying dramatically romantic, is an interesting choice today. I chose it all day long. I used to think I was a victim of my circumstance, that I got dealt the sorry hand and inevitable, my outcome. HA.

This is now. I feel miserable. choice. I feel sad. choice. I feel grey. choice. Feed it cause I like it. Do I want to step into happy joy joy, No, I just want to stay here in my pathetic woe to me, poor me, boo me. If feels great!! Epiphany: I’m happy feeling unhappy.

Bleeding Grey

Do I bring myself out of this smooth ache of the bleeding grey? Yes. Simply, a choice!

Snap! Happy Love Joy Comfort Pounding Vibrant Heart Beat Smile Peace Twinkle Red Wink Yay!

I have a bright spot of happy to step into. Its in this perfect place, the glorious colorful garden of my mind and I can stay here all day if I want to. I think I will. Atleast for the rest of the day, and tomorrow?

I think I’ll attract positive energy, output and in, richly effect my surroundings, the people who meet me, the people who know me as I am, the people who know me as I used to be. Okay.


Its beautiful, this red that is red. And this is where I should stay…

blue fall

Fall is in full color, with vibrant shades to deeper grays. Its the ever glorious shades of the beautiful Scorpio. Mmmmagic!

fall tie dye


fall tie dye


fall tie dye


Michael Kors knit sweater, AMB tie dye top, Marc Fisher boots, Franco Sarto cross-body purse

Model K. Gibson, Photo Shoot by Carmen



Present and the present again and again

perfection for the emptiness


Can one truly know

The shape the size the quality

Maybe there is no measure nor real gauge

the vastness and beauty the treasure

Love speaks truth


To the eyes of the heart

where there is grace and peace and compassion

For what is real and what is now


Truth cannot hide within

the deep of the heart

True is too great and must shine to Be

and welcome what will Be

The joy and goodness of Love

The generosity of Truth

Great and without conquer nor containment

of that which speaks out

the past and the present again and again

~ K. Gibson

August 31, 2013



dream cinders

On the Beach

On the beach

A dress to burn

Loves dazed dream

Of heart sick spurned

The smoky light

Of a settling night

Murmurs of past

Cindering in Flight

Glorious day

Once larger than life

Lay in ash

Gentle facade of a wife

Labor of the day

Love of the night

The toil of hearts

Taking flight

Be gone, be gone

Days of strife

Seek the love

Of ones very life

And that moment

Of accepted grief

Dreams of always

Seek hearts relief

~ Lisa Lee

Healing Cinders

Muir in the Mist

It was sunny. I headed out, to spend some secluded time with my book and the sand.

I was anxious to smell the ocean, the salt and breeze, feel the sand on my skin. I brought my bikini, just in case.

Muir Beach, CA was my destination.

As I drove down the twisting HWY 1 to the coast, fog began blocking out the sun and my view. The air was turning from warm to chilly, and by the time I parked in the ‘lot full’ parking lot, I was thankful I had brought my short jean jacket.

I had chosen my clothing carefully. I wore a short teal lace beach dress, cute wedge sandals, and my bikini in which I scandalously changed into, in my car. (no one saw me!) It was not quite what I’d prefer to wear on a cold day at the beach.

Barefoot walk to the beach in the cold sand, carrying my favorite “use me over and over again” Kenneth Cole Reaction bag filled with towel, sarong, book, camera, water,… I was set.

Interesting people greeted me as I passed by. Fire smoke and bundled babies and doggies having a blast, it was perfect!

My happy spot selected, I sat to enjoy the sights, smells and strangers around me.  Groups of people camped around smoking fires, keeping warm in the sand. Activity and conversation surrounded me.  It was lovely, alone on the beach with my book and my thoughts.

When the wind turned the air from bearable to bone-chilling, I packed up with thoughts of wearing more appropriate beach clothing. On the path, I passed a camera crew going to take cool misty shots and a college group carrying heavy logs, with ‘great flames’ written on their faces.

It was tempting to stay and enjoy the night fun on Muir Beach, but my cold feet took me to my car and home. Next time…